Thursday, June 12, 2008

initia frst n foremost thnks to ANKITHA for had she not "praised" me i wud not have entered this realm.. i thot this bloggin was a real unadulterated waste of time..(and i don diff much frm my opinion i had)..she requested not to let go to ashes this genius in me so i had to oblige!! to strt with.. i need to give u a feel of wat differential thinking is all about.. its just a term i (rather my cousin) coined to a pre existin preknown concept..its just the ability of gaugin a persons ability to gauge ur thinkin . it actually goes into an infinite loop..

let me explain this amazin thesis( romba overu!) with an easy understndable short crisp, in our terms "sappa maateru" example.

there is this hypothetical village in which there is an "arasa maram" under which 4 bards squat and yap fr ages( unfortunately fr u...i call them the village heads) any irresolvable case is left to chance. a pot with 2 marbles say black n white is placed in front of the convict.he must pick one of them blindfolded. if he chooses white he leads his own way to the gallows, black means stars favor him! there crops up this case in which verdict is left to god ( damn them!! its oly CHANCE) unfortunately for our hero(thala), a village head is in bad blood with him. he decides to put both these marbles as white!! oops!! the pannayar( village head ) forgot that thala is the protagonist and ppl wont accept him defeated( films affect my originality!) and i have to save my thala.. but ppl do expect some logic too!! miracles cant occur( i hafta satisfy critics too ) thala ( bein ma close associate fr long) decides to pick a marble and chuck it far away. the remainin marble bein white proves he is innocent and our thala is acquitted!!( god saved him).. well now bac to the topic.. the first differential thinkin of the pannayar had been very well countered by our thala which is second differential!!

now for the second twist!!

the pannayar knws he is my friend!!( will god save him again??)
so he expects him to do this and puts both marbles as black!( i must appreciate this cunnin pannayar albeit he is my friend's foe!) but since thala is (still my friend) smart(er) he knows tat tat the pannayar knws tat he is my friend, he expects the pannayar to do so!!(waare wah!! claps frm audience!) n so.. as expected by our highly esteemed audience he picks up one and shows..( god saved him again!!)

this is third differential of pannayar and 4th of our thala.. this is recursive loop of modulus 4. ie in laymans terms.. history repeats itself every 4th time! oly if thala is able to gauge the differential level of pannayar he returns victorious( else i get the beatin!!)

all said and done...u should ve wondered y this is hypothetical village ?? if not... do now.. pls post ur answers and my reasonin will be put up in the 4th post!!


Unknown said...

Finally,I get to kno about 'differential thinking' :) Good one. Seems like you have put in a lot of thought.Dont stop with just this one post.Am waiting for the sequel :)

ark :) said...

Nice to see that u have atlast lissened n started blogging... in an area that i guess is ur forte...
nice to hear this story again with loadsa better twists;)
keep on!!!
PS: i jus asked u to try blogging dont put in so much of melodrama...
Rock on!!

the perfectshade of blue said...

nice one.. memories of 6th std. Remember how u me and karthik cracked this problem from a book which we bought from a bafoon?

swetha sivakumar said...

as i read through..i was able to clearly visuavalize.. as u hav tried ur best to giv in de cinematic effects..anyways one thing tat majorly goes missin in ur post is de background music..try fillin in fr it in ur next post..awitin ur next post on dis..but remember..wid sound effects(lol)!!

Aniruddh said...

i don't get it, i really don't maybe i am plain dumb and being in the business of writing nonsense for 14 years... it's too mathematical and please don't act as if all bloggers waste their time (maybe i do) that is very unkind of you.