Saturday, June 14, 2008


Here is the much awaited sequel. This is a perfect example of a practical application of DIFFERENTIAL THINKING (DT)

NOTE: this is a prank. DT can also be used for good purposes (which I am yet to find)

March 27th

With the second round of cycle tests just getting over, I feared my brains may get rusted. I realized tat it was long since I did something to kalaai others. But zeroing on to the person seemed to be a Herculean task. So I took out my mob, opened up the contacts and pressed "down" a random number of times... and lo.. it read "anu" (names changed to conceal identity). well.. I wondered..shouldn be tat tough a job. even had it been one, I wud luvvv it ;). I sent a msg " hey waddup?". this is a style tat I had till now not followed where mah usual is " hey wassup?". this was to give her a feelin tat it may not be me. me as in arun..msgin her. pat came a reply.."huh? wat suddenly??"

arun: nothin..just felt lik msgin u


arun:don mind if I ask u sumtin?

anu:ya go ahead..

arun:how many roses did u get on valentines day?


arun:just reply..

anu:y dyu wanna knw?

arun:becos,i too sent u 1 but dunno if it reached u dear.

anu:wat the hell man?

arun:yes dear, I did send u 1. but u dint seem to acknowledge the very fact.

anu:wat nonsense..who is this? ( this is wat I wanted her to think..that someone else is msgin as though im msgin => 2nd differential)

arun:of course arun ram only..

meanwhile this conversation has been told to her best buddy rupa( different spellin na?? well again names changed!!)

rupa: hey tomo v have e mech clas?? (=> differential of rupa to find out if its really me who is msgin)

I avoided replyin to rupa to create more doubts in their minds. but I still maintained the image of an intelligent fraud.

arun:hey u tryin to test me??i know u asked roopa ( I typed the wrong spellin compoundin their doubts!). im arun oly


arun:so wats ur reply?

anu:for wat?

arun:the red rose I sent u

anu:i dint get any

arun:oh! leave it.. now assume im givin u one.

anu: wat the hell man? im not interested in all this crap. better buck up n study for ur sems!

arun: oh! sorry dear. good night!

end of conversation

march 28 - classroom

anu:hey who was havin ur mob last night? ( scent of SUCCESS)

arun: I was oly havin it ( pakka differential..some level!)..y askin?

anu:u were the one hu msged me?

arun:wat? no.. I dint msg u at all..y?

anu:some one was msgin me some rap last night (shows the msgs)

arun:OMG. hey seiously dunno.. I was oly havin it..oh ya now I remmeber. I was in the terrace the whole of night. my mob was left chargin in room

anu:oh.i guessed it must be a prank( success assured!)

arun:well, but y shuld anyone do it?

anu:no idea.. neways chuck it!

arun:ya.. btw sorry

anu:no probs. not ur fault la.

arun:ya..even now my mob not with room oly

anu: hmm.. hope I dont receive any msgs ;)

end of conv

as of now, rupa and anu belive tat some idiot had been msgin her all the while. litle did they realise tat I was ARUN RAM

april 1 - WORKSHOP

arun:hey, I wanna reveal somethin..


arun:i was the one hu played the prank tat night!

rupa:wat?? u looked so innocent the next day..!

arun:ya..outclassed kamal la?? :)

rupa:thu poda! cha v bad! she was v upset all day! u fooled her eh?

arun:ya.. she was fooled then..!!



rupa:dai! which is the truth?

arun:u being fooled now is the truth!

rupa:ayyo! ill kick u!


rupa:thu get lost!

end of conv

ultimately the girls were fooled! but more funnily they dunno where they are fooled. ie april fools day or march 27!

in a nutshell.. they still dont know if I really did it or not!

but there is something wat I call the PRESTIGE OF THE PRANK

it will all be a waste if they remain in the dark about the whole thing! not oly should I knw they are fools.. they too :)

so I went up and confessed the whole thing and they went back sadder but wiser!

they understood DIFFERENTIAL THINKING the hard way!


Saketh~ said...

Hey man,

Came across your blog...

Ah..Differential thinking is cool man, all of us use the thingy in one way or the other.

And your prank was pretty cool...
but BlOg It?!!?
That's *not* done man.
You can joke about it, laugh about it..but dont blog it for heavens sake.
That's very rude.
I have no idea who you are, but i go away with an impression that you are pretty vain and insensitive(character matters more than how smart you are)

Either you know its rude,and still dont give a damn, in which case you are a lost cause.

If you dont,know now :)

Neways..keep blogging,
Cheers :)

the perfectshade of blue said...

yea i herd saketh has been selected to succeed pope benedict the sixteenth ;))

Unknown said...

hey nice one.Is it a true prank? poor them. So whats with the name of the post?

Anonymous said...

I would to be the next pope.
Saketh the First. Has a nice twang to it.

Anonymous said...

* love to be in the previous post

codemastercool said...

Arun. One thing, try editing your blog, better punctuation gives a much more pleasant reading experience.
