Saturday, June 14, 2008


The story continues(Epilogue but the essence of inertia)…

Here’s how it goes…

After rupa was briefed on the prank , to seek vengeance anu and rupa came up with a plan to bring arun back to his senses.

Venue: OPAL(Girls hostel)

anu: “what the hell does he think of himself??!!! Differential thinking it seems… crap!! “

rupa: “I’m dying to get back at him!Lets think of something…”
Brilliant best buddy(alliteration eh..:p): “Lissen..lissen… what if we play the prank back at him…”
Silent glances were exchanged and understanding cropped up…
(Note: Brilliant best buddy will now be referred to as BBB)
Here follows the messaging sequence

BBB: ‘wat hav u done to my best friend.. v r really upset…'
(this set the ball rolling… gatherin momentum..slowly but steadily!!:))

Arun: ‘Wat is wrong??’

BBB: ‘anu is really upset… she’s been crying n we aren’t able to console her at all..’

Arun: ‘Wat?? Seriously??’

Arun (to rupa’s mob): ‘Wat happened?? I told u right it was april fool and it wasn’t me prankin…’
Yippee!!! they were jumping with joy upon receiving this…

rupa(to arun): ‘Whatever but she’s not getting consoled… I didn’t expect this from you…’
Meanwhile beads of sweat were forming on my forehead, with a rush of adrenaline,

Arun(to rupa): Hey.. I’m sorry.. dint mean to hurt u ppl…

Arun(to anu): Hey.. I’m really sorry… Hope u forgive me.. I dint expect u to take all this so seriously.. I kno I am to blame… It was really STUPID of me…
To keep the sweet taste of victory lingering they didn’t reply for long by which time tension was brewing up in my mind..
Due to mounting tension and lack of response I frantically messaged BBB

Arun (to BBB): Y no reply??

BBB(replies): Wat the hell man… Didn’t expect this kind of behaviour from ur side… I Don’t think anu’s gonna attend the afternoon classes… and its all because of u!!
Please don’t disturb us anymore you have caused enough damage already…
they were overjoyed… brimming with satisfaction…

Now comes the final wrap up…


The terrific(and triumphant) team(oops.. alliteration again eh) entered the class to witness arun (trouble lined all over his face)…An unprecedented expression indeed…

Arun: ???

BBB: hahaha…

Arun: prank aa… Cha!!! I always knew it was a prank but dint want to ask u in case u were really hurt!! (for ppl hu knw me.. i really care for others!)

They still rolling with laughter…

And as the saying goes
“He who laughs the last, laughs the best”

wait… for the icing on the cake!!

When I interrupted..

Arun: atleast now dyu knw hu msged u tat night??


Arun: atleast I know where I was fooled! U ppl still dunno where u were fooled!

Thoppi thoppi thoppi!!!!

And as the saying goes
“He who laughs the last, laughs the best”

END OF SHOW ( audience give a standing ovation..resounding claps fill the hall)


akshya, ankitha, arun ram

story,screenplay and direction

arun ram


the perfectshade of blue said...

supercool..btw all dis is used in varied fields..for example in goalkeeping for a penalty :D

Anonymous said...

Wow dude, are you thaaat jobless?? :P