Saturday, August 16, 2008

the tragic end!

after a lot of thinking, typing, deleting and(repeat), i settle upon this final draft of the post! its neva easy to create a work at first go and be satisfied with it. that satisfaction has always been elusive to many.i was wondering wat to post as the fourth(and still i am) when this struck me. y not explain a little more of DT. as mentioned in the first post, DT is just the ability of gaugin a persons ability to gauge ur thinkin, going into an infinite loop. what if 2 INTELLIGENT ppl come to blows? who escapes unscathed? who will be able to gauge better? well, probability comes into play here. since its an infinite loop, the probability of each smartie winning reduces to a simple answer=>1/2 ( to be read as "ans tends to 1/2")!
Putting it in a slightly different way, since they are equally clever, meaning the gauging ability is high, they have equal chances of winning this being a mind game! and the probability of (atleast) one of them winnin is 1( 10th std math,duh), its =>1/2. i use the ans=>1/2 because this is a limiting value and not the exact value.

an ironical situation has risen. now that (almost) everyone knows DT, everyone has perked up their std to be called INTELLIGENT. since the probability of winning has been fixed as "1/2" DT is of no use and a simple toss ll be left to decide ur fate! In short, DT has created the environment to produce "smarties" only to see itself perish:((.
[I guess not many wud ve realised this fact!!]
thus we come to see the tragic end of wat seemed to be a promising start of a revolution. The oly satisfaction i derive from this is "my" ideas were instrumental in forming a pool of smarties!

as for the "hypothetical village", its called so because in no part of the world can u see such intelligent (atleast to some extent..) 'pannayars'..LOL!!